Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Funny a Middle School Story Blog 1

So far in the book actually kinda caught my attention on this one.  It started off with one kid named Jamie who is disabled below.  He started on a stage as someone who don't know what joke to crack.  But he probably make jokes here and there to be different.  He sees people as humans, more like people who are just people who are like numb brained.  He wanted to be a comedian, he looks up jokes,  and read so many joke books so he could come up with his own.  He uses his ability to be funny at school to escape beating from bullies.   He tells me that people that bullies don't read the signs that tries telling that his school is about no bullying area in the school, well you already could tell that that it goes the opposite.  The bully people may know is Stevie Kosgrov, like I said he uses jokes to escape a beating.  He sees a kid being upside and shaken by Stevie for money to drop out of his pockets.  Jamie didn't like it at all, because he's been in that position before.  As he approaches to the bully and takes jokes and throw it at Stevie.  Mainly the kid who is getting bullied laugh through the whole thing, but not as much as Stevie cause he knew he tried getting the victim out.  So finally a joke made Stevie laugh and drops the kid and dies of laughter.  But then it goes wrong for Jamie cause Stevie rage goes on him.
     Ok before I read this, I was looking to read this before but I felt like it wasn't right for me.  But then it was something I didn't really expect it to be a pretty decent book.  I kinda like it so far, like its not good and its not bad its like its in between.  He seems like one of the low kid levels, like you know people who are popular and the kids that aren't.  But he does get bully.  I'm hoping the story will get my attention and make me wanna stay with the book.  Cause like the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid had like its own way for people to read it like its own font and everything, and the story line makes it funny.  But it has to be a good book cause they made more then one. 

1 comment:

  1. Max,
    Great job blogging! I like that you are enjoying your book! Keep it up! I will go over examples you can write about next! Just make sure you go back and check your writing. Check for complete sentences and spelling.
